Chabad at Stanford
Wisdom Center

Linking Hearts at Stanford extends a helping hand to families who have children with special needs and involves them in a full range of social and Jewish experiences. This unique program introduces student volunteers to the children and through shared experiences both are enriched.

The program includes: weekly visitations by the students to the homes of their Special Friends, field trips and holiday programs. In addition, on designated Sundays, volunteers and their Special Friends spend two wonderful hours together at the Chabad House at Stanford, as professionals in the areas of music, drama, art, and Jewish Heritage Studies work with everyone in a very warm and loving environment.

How can you help Linking Hearts? Are you a student who would like to be a volunteer? Are you willing to drive a volunteer to his or her destination? Do you know a family that can use extra help in their home with children who have special needs? Would you like to support our programs and help us continue the work of Linking Hearts? Please contact Rachel Greenberg at (650) 494 3274 or contact Rachel by clicking here

Linking Hearts at Stanford is made up of five components: Student volunteers, children, parents, staff and supporters. The true beauty of this endeavor is our heart to heart connection to form loving friendships. Together, we can perform miracles.